Home » Resources » Design Considerations » Slurry Design Considerations

1. The pipe class is determined based on the following data from the RFI Application Questionnaire:

  • Working pressure
  • Design temperature
  • Chemical resistance of the pipe material to the slurry

2. The pipe diameter is chosen based on the ID of existing steel pipe or on the value of the minimum critical slurry velocity.

3. Replacing carbon steel slurry pipes with Pexgol pipes with the same ID: A slurry pipeline is designed according to the minimum critical velocity of the slurry material. Carbon steel slurry pipes can be replaced with Pexgol pipes of the same or slightly smaller nominal ID, maintaining the same slurry velocity.

4. Pexgol pipes have an “abrasion allowance” of 20% of the  nominal wall thickness of the pipe. This means that the pipe can withstand the design working pressure until the remaining wall thickness of the pipe is reduced to 80% of the nominal value. The real lifetime of the pipe depends on the actual abrasion rate in the line. The 80% rule applies for all working pressures and all temperatures in all classes.

5. Increasing the ID of the Pexgol pipes due to abrasion results in decreasing the velocity of the slurry. In order to make sure that the value of the minimum critical slurry velocity is maintained after 20% abrasion.

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